Writer’s Office


Edmund sits outside my office window and keeps me company

Have you googled images of “writer’s office”?  Go ahead. I dare you…

What did you think?

If you’re anything like me, you were probably shocked.  Shocked that anyone could function in such a mess.  I was also relieved that I’m not the only one whose office looks like a book bomb exploded in it.

I have been stuck on a scene that has been difficult to write.  How I tend to deal with writer’s block is by putting it all aside and doing something different.  My family can tell you that one of my greatest avoidance techniques is rearranging my office.  I do it at least twice a year and, thankfully, they just roll their eyes and help me move my furniture.

Funny thing is, by the time I’m done, my scene has resolved itself in my mind.  I’m off and writing again in a “new,” and probably temporarily, clean office.

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